How to generate Telos EVM address & deposit TLOS into tEVM

We just published a new tutorial! The Telos EVM is the most advanced EVM to date and you can try it out today!
This video shows you how to generate a personal tEVM address and move TLOS between your Telos native address and the tEVM. You can withdraw TLOS directly to your tEVM account from Kucoin or If you haven’t watched out playlist on how to get started with Telos? check it out now!
For those who rather read the transcript instead of watching the video
Did you know the telos EVM has very low fixed Gas Fees
Eliminates front running
And can handle 10.000 transaction per second
O yeah, did i mention it is the most sustainable option out there?
Let’s get started
Hi welcome to another Telos tutorial by DutchEOS
Today we’re going to generate our personal tEVM address
and deposit native TLOS into the EVM
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Let’s dive in
The tEVM uses native TLOS to pay for gas
which requires that you have TLOS on your tEVM account to do transactions
there are two primary options to deposit TLOS into your EVM address
The first option is using your Telos web wallet
To send it to your Telos EVM address
This method requires that you have some TLOS in your web wallet
An app that signs your transactions
For example Anchor wallet
If you haven’t made a telos web wallet
or installed anchor wallet
And managed you account resources
Please watch our playlist on how to get started with telos
Go check it out now
The second option is to withdraw TLOS
directly form an exchange into you tEVM address
This is possible on kucoin or
Now let’s start with first option
The Telos wallet method
Here we are at the telos wallet interface
Now let’s generate our personal tEVM address
Click receive
Click Telos EVM
Here you can find generate new address
Click it
Sign the transaction in Anchor
Go back to the first page
And now you linked a tEVM address to your native Telos account
Now let’s deposit some telos into the tEVM
Click this middle highlighted section –> EVM
LEt’s do one TLOS
Click deposit to myself
Sign the transaction in Anchor
And now your TLOS is in the tEVM
If you want to withdraw from the tEVM back to TLOS native
Click this middle highlighted section EVM –>
Click withdraw
Sign the transaction
And now your TLOS is back to native
Now let’s look at the second method
I’m going to use Kucoin to withdraw TLOS
directly into my tEVM address
You can find your actual tEVM address by clicking receive
Click Telos EVM
And there you have it
Click the middle section
And now your address is copied to your clipboard
Now let’s go to the kucoin interface
Here we are at the assets overview page on kucoin
Go to withdraw
Select TLOS
Your wallet address is goin to be
The network is going to be Telos
Your memo is going to be the address you copied earlier
Your personal tEVM address
The minimum withdrawal amount of TLOS is 103
That’s with fees included
But I’m gonna do 120
You can leave remarks open
Click confirm
Click confirm withdrawal
Fill in the security verification
And click submit
And our withdrawal was successful
Now let’s check our Telos wallet
There we go my 120 TLOS
Has been deposited into the tEVM
If you want to know more about the tEVM
Please check the link in the description box
And please do, because it’s the most advanced EVM to date
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Thanks for watching and i hope to see you all in the next one