How to buy TLOS on a CEX & withdraw TLOS from Kucoin account to Telos wallet address

We just released a tutorial on how to buy TLOS on a centralized exchange! We also show you how to transfer TLOS from your Kucoin account to your Telos Web wallet.
This is the 7th video in our tutorial series catered towards Telos newcomers. We want to give you all the info needed to start exploring the Telos ecosystem.
For those who rather read the transcript instead of watching the video
Work smarter not harder.
In trading terms you could translate this to:
‘Buy TLOS’ Not financial advice
Hi! Welcome to another Telos tutorial by DutchEOS.
Today we are going to buy TLOS on a centralized exchange called kucoin.
We are also going to transfer our TLOS to our telos web wallet
Before we start off, we would really appreciate it if you click
the subscribe button below the video, and also follow us on twitter @DutchEOS
Kucoin is a well known established centralized crypto exchange
that trades native TLOS and numerous other tokens.
We are going to Trade SPOT TLOS, that means you actually own the tokens you buy.
If you are new to trading, please start off with trading spot,
stay away from leverage and educate yourself in the process.
There are tons of YT videos and books that can help you with this.
Speaking of videos that can be helpful
If you are new to Telos, I suggest you watch our new comers playlist first.
Click the link to our playlist to start off correctly!
Tutorial section
Let’s dive in
Make sure you have some USDT or BTC in your trading account to spend on TLOS.
Let’s go to the spot marketplace
Select our trading pair, in our case this is going to be USDT/TLOS
Now we are going to create a spot limit order close to the current TLOS price
Fill in the price you want to buy TLOS at and wait for the order to go through.
Here we go, we now traded our USDT for TLOS
Now we are going to transfer our TLOS to the Telos web wallet.
Here we are on the kucoin assets page, go to withdraw
Select TLOS
Select Network TELOS
Address is your personal Telos wallet address, in my case welovetelos1
Select the amount of TLOS you want to withdraw
Click confirm and go through the security verification
Our TLOS is now transferred to the Telos web wallet
From here on you can try out everything the Telos Blockchain has to offer.
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Don’t forget to follow us on twitter @DutchEOS.
Thanks for watching and I hope to see you all in the next one!