Site icon DUTCH·telos [formerly DutchEOS]

Code of Conduct

Remember upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all.
— Alexander the Great

DutchEOS Values, Mission and Code of Conduct

These are our values, our mission and our code of conduct. Together they are our principles and our pledge to the EOS community.

Key Values 

  • Competence
  • Integrity
  • Independence
  • Engagement.


DutchEOS’ mission is to serve EOSIO ecosystems by producing blocks reliably, efficiently, and with the highest standard of integrity while engaging as many users into these ecosystems as possible.

Code of Conduct

To accomplish our mission, we commit to the following Code of Conduct.


As a Block Producer we will always act with honesty, integrity and apply the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our conduct, including the resolving of conflicts. This also entails abiding by all aspects of the constitutions or user agreements of the respective EOSIO ecosystems.

Trust and Respect

Our culture is one of inclusion. We extend trust and respect to all.

Political and Financial Independence

As a Block Producer will maintain full operational and financial independence at all times. This includes no operational control by any outside investors, and no ownership stake held by any individual or entity that holds vested interest stakes in other EOS.IO block producers. The 3 founders jointly have 100% ownership.

Excellence in Quality of Service

We aim to be a leading example in regards to service architecture, processing performance, network security and availability. We promise to use block rewards preferentially to fulfil these obligations. Only when we are able to prove that the resources we offer meet the demands of the network we will allocate funds for other purposes.


We strive to maintain compliance with ecosystem specific regulations (constitutions, user agreements, etc.), our Code of Conduct and internal policies, and (inter)national law. We review this compliance regularly.

Co-operation Never Collusion

We welcome all opportunities to cooperate with other global Block Producers, regardless of geographic location, that do not compromise our financial, political, or operational independence. Additionally we will not collude with other block producers or give preferential treatment to any actor in any EOS.IO ecosystem.

Accountable decision-making

We will publish our point of view and intentions on any matter which requires Block Producers to reach consensus as soon as we have decided internally.

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